Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) in Seattle & Bellevue

Ever Dreamed of Putting Fat Exactly Where you Want It?

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If you’ve ever looked at your backside and wished it was rounder and fuller, you are not alone. Brazilian butt lifts have become one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in recent years, with consumer interest in the procedure almost doubling since 2012. Triple board-certified cosmetic surgeon Dr. Alex Sobel often recommends this fat grafting procedure to those who want natural, long-lasting improvements to the size and shape of the buttocks.

What is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

A Brazilian butt lift, or BBL, is a surgical procedure that enhances the buttocks to create a more voluminous and lifted appearance using fat harvested from other parts of your body. One of the unique benefits of a Brazilian butt lift is its ability to contour other areas of the body, achieving a volume increase in the buttocks and reshaping areas that can enhance the area, such as the thighs.

Experience You Can Trust:

Dr. Sobel has extensive experience with fat transfer procedures.

Read About Dr. Sobel

How is a Brazilian Butt Lift Performed?

Your Consultation with Dr. Sobel

During your consultation, Dr. Sobel will determine if a Brazilian butt lift will achieve your goals and recommend the ideal donor sites to retrieve enough fat to help contour a shapely buttocks. He will also discuss how much enhancement is safely achievable.

Liposuction Techniques in a BBL

Seattle cosmetic surgeon Dr. Sobel begins the procedure by using safe liposuction techniques to remove fat from pre-selected areas of your body—typically the abdomen, hips, or thighs.

Preparing and Injecting the Harvested Fat

After Dr. Sobel removes the appropriate amount of fat, the harvested fat is purified using a specialized centrifuge. The purified fat is then injected into the buttocks using small, specialized cannulas. Dr. Sobel will determine the depth and placement of the fat injections to provide the desired fullness and shape.

Dr. Sobel usually performs Brazilian butt lift surgery in about two hours and typically recommends undergoing this procedure with local anesthesia and IV sedation, although general anesthesia may be used if necessary.

What to Expect During Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery

Immediately following Brazilian butt lift surgery with Dr. Sobel, you will likely experience swelling and bruising in the buttocks area. You will need someone to drive you home and care for your basic needs as you begin the healing process. Dr. Sobel will fit you with a compression garment to aid in the healing of both the liposuction site and the fat transfer area.

After two to three weeks, Dr. Sobel will clear you to resume normal activities, with special care not to squat, stretch, exercise or put pressure on the buttocks in any way. Discoloration and inflammation will diminish after two to six months and you will see full results soon after.

Scarring is minimal with Brazilian butt lift surgery and Dr. Sobel will advise you on proper scar care will help your incisions heal cleanly.

Am I a Good Candidate for Brazilian Butt Surgery?

If you desire shapelier buttocks with improved lift and fullness, a Brazilian butt lift with Dr. Sobel in Bellevue may be a good choice for you. Ideal candidates should be at or near a healthy weight and have an area with enough fat to be harvested for the procedure. Dr. Sobel can answer all of your questions and evaluate your needs at a personalized consultation.

  • Enhanced Buttock Volume and Shape: The primary benefit of a BBL is the significant enhancement in the size and shape of the buttocks, leading to a more curvaceous and aesthetically pleasing profile.
  • A Natural-Looking Result: Since the procedure uses the patient’s own fat, the results tend to look and feel more natural compared to implants.
  • Reduction of Fat in Other Areas: BBL involves liposuction to remove fat from other areas of the body (like the abdomen, hips, or thighs), which can improve overall body contour.
  • Improved Body Proportions: By augmenting the buttocks and reducing fat in other areas, a BBL can create more balanced and proportionate body proportions.
  • Minimal Scarring: As the procedure uses liposuction and fat injection, the incisions are typically small, leading to minimal scarring.
  • Reduced Risk of Rejection: Since the procedure uses the patient’s own fat, there is a lower risk of the body rejecting the material compared to synthetic implants.
  • Anesthesia: Medication used in a doctor’s office to prevent pain during surgery. In a Brazilian butt lift, this can be general (patient is fully asleep) or local with sedation.
  • Arm Lift: An arm lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure to remove excess skin to reshape a youth arm contour.
  • Asymmetry: A condition where both sides of the body (or buttocks, in the case of BBL) are not identical. A Brazilian butt lift can correct asymmetry in the buttocks region.
  • Autologous Fat Transfer: The process of transferring fat from one part of the body to another. In a Brazilian butt lift, fat is harvested from other areas and injected into the buttocks to change the size and shape.
  • Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL): A cosmetic surgical procedure, also known as butt augmentation, that uses specializes techniques to enhance the size and shape of the buttocks without implants. It involves transferring fat cells from other parts of the body.
  • Breast Lift: A breast lift repositions the breast by removing sagging skin. A breast lift can be combined with implants to enhance volume.
  • Cannula: A thin tube used to extract fat cells during liposuction techinques and reinject it into the buttocks during a Brazilian butt lift procedure.
  • Donor Site: The area of the body from which fat is harvested for transfer in a Brazilian butt lift, typically the abdomen, thighs, or back.
  • Face lift: A facelift is a cosmetic procedure to rejuvenate the lower face and neck areas.
  • Fat Grafting: The process of removing fat from one part of the body and injecting it into another. In a Brazilian butt lift, this is used to augment the size and shape the buttocks.
  • Fat Necrosis: The death of fat cells, a potential complication of a Brazilian butt lift where transferred fat cells do not establish a new blood supply.
  • Flanks: The side area of the body between the ribs and hips. This area is often liposuctioned during a Brazilian butt lift to enhance the contour of the buttocks.
  • Gluteal Region: The anatomical region of the buttocks. Brazilian butt lift techniques focus on this area for enhancement and reshaping.
  • Gluteal Implants / Butt Implants: Medical-grade implants sometimes used to enhance the buttocks.
  • Liposuction: A surgical procedure that removes excess fat cells from specific areas of the body. It is a key component of the Brazilian butt lift procedure.
  • Recovery Period: The time required for healing and recuperation after a BBL, involving rest and special post-operative care instructions.
  • Sculptra Butt Enhancement: Sculptra is a type of dermal filler injection that boosts collagen production in treated areas to enhance the size and shape of the buttocks.
  • Seroma: A pocket of clear bodily fluid that may develop in the tissue, a potential complication following liposuction and BBL procedures.
  • Skin Elasticity: The ability of skin to stretch and return to its original state. Good skin elasticity is important for optimal BBL results.
  • Swelling: A common post-operative condition where the treated area becomes swollen, gradually subsiding as the body heals.
  • Thigh Lift: A thigh lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure that removes excess skin and fat to reshape the appearance of the upper legs.
  • Touch-Up Procedure: A follow-up procedure that may be necessary if additional fat transfer is needed after the initial BBL, due to the natural reabsorption of some of the transferred fat.

Brazilian Butt Lift FAQs

How much volume can liposuction remove?

The most amount of fat liposuction can remove is approximately five liters, or about 11 pounds total, from the donor sites. This doesn’t mean this is how much fat Dr. Sobel removes from each patient to reinject—this amount can vary based on your overall health and weight. The goal is to remove just enough fat to give you the look to desire in your buttocks and donor sites.

How should I prepare for a Brazilian buttock lift?

To prepare for your surgery, many patients purchase a “donut” pillow to use when sitting once they are cleared to do so. It’s also a good idea to have nutritious, easy meals and snacks on hand to fuel your body during recovery.

Depending on your job description, you may need to modify your work activities until you are fully healed. We also recommend you practice sleeping on your stomach to prevent accidentally rolling over onto your back and compromising your results.

How is a BBL different from butt implants?

Unlike butt implants, this procedure uses your own fat to enhance the buttocks, leading to a more natural feel and potentially lower risk of rejection or complications associated with foreign materials.

Are there risks associated with this surgery?

Like any surgery, this procedure has risks, such as infection, scarring, and complications from anesthesia. There is also a specific risk of fat embolism where fat enters the bloodstream and blocks a blood vessel.

How long do Brazilian butt lift results last?

Results can be long-lasting, but they are not immune to the effects of weight fluctuations and aging. A healthy lifestyle can help you maintain your final results.

How much does a BBL cost in Seattle?

The cost of a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) in Seattle ranges from $7,000 – $8,000, depending on the extent of your surgery.

Can I sit after surgery?

No, you must avoid putting any pressure on your buttocks to ensure the newly transferred fat “takes.” You may use the restroom normally, but it will be several weeks before Dr. Sobel clears you to sit using a special pillow, and eventually, without a pillow. This takes some getting used to; however, most patients feel their results are well worth the recovery restrictions.

Learn more about Brazilian butt lift surgery with our Bellevue cosmetic surgeon Dr. Alex Sobel

If you would like to learn more about BBL surgery or to schedule your complimentary consultation with Dr. Sobel, call our office at 425-453-9060 or fill out the form below to find out if a Brazilian butt lift is right for you.

References »

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Learn More About Body Contouring

Medically reviewed by Dr. Alexander Sobel — Updated on Jan 30, 2024