Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) in Seattle & Bellevue

Though we don’t often think of them, our arms are at the forefront of most activities: picking up our children, waving in excitement, carrying loads both small or heavy. If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your arms after losing weight or from natural aging, it can make everyday activities uncomfortable or even embarrassing. If you find yourself constantly hiding your arms, arm lift surgery may be a good option for you.

What is an Arm Lift?

An arm lift, or brachioplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that improves the appearance of the upper arms. Arm lifts target the sagging, droopy skin along the upper arms by removing excess skin and fat, to achieve a more toned, youthful contour to the arms. 

Using a combination of liposuction techniques and the removal of excess skin, Dr. Sobel can help you achieve your aesthetic goals after weight loss or when diet and exercise may not improve the shape and tone of the arms.

Experience You Can Trust:

Dr. Sobel has performed thousands of cosmetic procedures.

Read About Dr. Sobel

How is an Arm Lift Performed?

Arm lift surgery in Seattle typically involves making incisions on the inner or back of the upper arm. Through these incisions, Dr. Sobel removes excess skin and fat, tightening and reshaping the underlying supportive tissue. Each patient’s anatomy is unique, and Dr. Sobel takes time during each consultation to form the ideal arm lift procedure plan to optimize the results while minimizing the appearance of scarring. 

Brachioplasty Incisions

The incisions for an arm lift are determined by extent of the lift procedure. For those with a moderate amount of excess skin, a minimal incision arm lift, or mini arm lift, may be performed, using small incisions hidden in the armpits. More extensive cases may require an incision that runs from the elbow, along the arm, to the armpit.

During your consultation, Dr. Sobel will examine your arms and explain where he will place the incisions to reduce the size of your arms and maximize your results. Dr. Sobel is well-known in the Seattle and surrounding areas for creating arm lift incisions that are as inconspicuous as possible, strategically placing to be well-hidden even in short-sleeved clothing.

Who is an Ideal Candidate for an Arm Lift?

If you have experienced significant weight loss or have noticed a natural decline in skin elasticity due to aging in your upper arms, you are likely a good candidate for an arm lift. In general, arm lift candidates should be at a stable with they are happy with, non-smokers, and without significant medical conditions that impair healing.

Your Consultation with Dr. Sobel

It’s also crucial for patients to have realistic expectations about the results of an arm lift. During your consultation, Dr. Sobel will evaluate your individual case, discuss your medical history and aesthetic goals, answer your questions, and determine whether an arm lift is the best course of action for you.

What to Expect from Arm Lift Surgery in Seattle

Preparing for Arm Lift Surgery

During your arm lift consultation, Dr. Sobel will provide detailed pre-operative instructions so you can enjoy a smooth recovery and feel confident about your procedure. We believe in a holistic approach to surgery, where preparing both your body and mind plays a key role in your overall experience and results. If you have any questions or concerns leading up to your surgery, Dr. Sobel is always available!

Your Arm Lift Procedure

Dr. Sobel utilizes the latest methods and techniques to achieve the most desirable results. Arm lift surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with IV sedation at Dr. Sobel’s accredited surgical suite. 

During the procedure, an incision is made on the inside or back of the arm depending on where the excess skin is located. Dr. Sobel will use this access point to remove fat with a liposuction cannula. If necessary, tissues will also be reshaped and tightened to enhance your natural muscle tone. Excess skin will then be removed and remaining skin tightened and repositioned. Dr. Sobel makes personalized adjustments based on the procedure plan discussed in your consultation. 

Once the desired results have been achieved, Dr. Sobel will close the incision and compression bands or wraps will be placed around the arms for the duration of the initial recovery. This will reduce swelling and encourage healing.

Mini Arm Lift

Dr. Sobel also offers “mini arm lifts” for patients who have more moderate excess skin of the upper inner arm. Using laser liposuction and liposuction combined with Thermage, Dr. Sobel is able to achieve achieve maximal results with minimal surgery.

Arm Lift Recovery

During recovery you’ll wear compression garments to reduce swelling and support the new contours of your arms for a few weeks, until Dr. Sobel determines you are healed enough to stop wearing them. Most patients can return to light activities within a week, but full recovery and a return to more strenuous activities may take several weeks up to a few months, depending on the extent of your arm lift and your healing response.

Our practice provides a comprehensive post-operative care plan, including follow-up appointments to monitor your healing, clear you for certain activities, and answer any questions you may have during the recovery process.

What Results Can an Arm Lift Achieve?

An arm lift can provide dramatic improvements in the shape and tone of your upper arms and the appearance of your upper body. The final results of an arm lift are generally long-lasting, particularly when patients maintain a stable weight and healthy lifestyle. For many patients, an arm lift helps boost their self-esteem, as they enjoying a more youthful, contoured arm appearance and feel more confident in clothing that reveals their arms.

Combining Arm Lift with Other Procedures

Patients who have lost a significant amount of weight may also benefit from other body contouring procedures such as a lower body lift or tummy tuck surgery.

  • Removes excess, saggy skin
  • Enhances natural arm contours
  • Improves the appearance of the upper arms

Brachioplasty: A cosmetic or plastic surgery procedure that reshapes the under portion of the upper arm from the underarm region to the elbow, and sometimes the full arm by removing excess skin and fat.

Healing Process: The body’s natural method of repairing and recovering from injury or plastic surgery, involving tissue repair, inflammation reduction, and regeneration.

Belt Lipectomy: Also known as a lower body lift, is a plastic surgery procedure that removes excess skin and fat around the waist or lower torso, often used after significant weight loss.

Postoperative Care: Also known as post-surgical care, refers to the care and monitoring provided to patients after a plastic surgery procedure to reduce surgical risks and complications for a smoother recovery.

Weight-Loss Surgery: Also known as bariatric surgery, is a medical procedure performed on the stomach and/or intestines to help a person with extreme obesity lose weight.

Body-Contouring: Refers a range of plastic surgery procedures that reshape and redefine various parts of the body by removing excess skin and fat deposits, commonly used after major weight loss.

Arm Lift Frequently Asked Questions

What are the restrictions after an arm lift?

After arm lift surgery, arm movements should be minimized to prevent stress on the suture line and you should wear compression garments to reduce swelling until Dr. Sobel directs you otherwise. It’s also best to sleep with arms elevated to further ease swelling. At your follow-up appointments, Dr. Sobel will clear you to resume your normal activities as you heal.

How painful is arm lift surgery?

Pain following arm lift surgery is mild to moderate, with most patients finding recovery easily tolerable with pain medication and rest. You’ll feel more like yourself after 1-2 weeks following surgery! Following recovery protocols will help minimize unnecessary discomfort.

Is arm lift surgery worth it?

Yes, most patients find arm lift surgery to be worth the time and investment. According to Real Self, arm lift surgery has a 92% Worth It rating.

How much weight do you lose after an arm lift?

On average, the removal of unwanted skin and fat results in about 1-2 pounds of weight loss. Brachioplasty is not a weight loss procedure; however, this body contouring procedure does reshape the upper arms to reveal tighter, more defined arms.

Ready to See if an Arm Lift is Right for You?

With an arm lift in Seattle, Dr. Sobel can help you achieve smoother, more contoured arms. If you feel as though your arms look like “bat wings” or if you have excess, sagging skin, contact us today to schedule your consultation at our Bellevue office and see if you could benefit from arm lift surgery.

References »

Nagrath N, Winters R. Brachioplasty. 2023 Jul 25. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–.

Reed LS. Brachioplasty with limited scar. Clinics in Plastic Surgery. 2014 Oct;41(4):753-63. doi: 10.1016/j.cps.2014.06.009.

Rohrich RJ, Mohan R, Durand PD. Brachioplasty Refinements. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2020 Apr;145(4):754e-756e. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000006688.

Sisti A, Cuomo R, Milonia L, Tassinari J, Castagna A, Brandi C, Grimaldi L, D’Aniello C, Nisi G. Complications associated with brachioplasty: a literature review. Acta Biomedica. 2018 Jan 16;88(4):393-402. doi: 10.23750/abm.v88i4.5609.

Areas served:

Medically reviewed by Dr. Alexander Sobel — Updated on Jan 24, 2024